Better Futures is a free design service for small community-based projects working to imagine & create better futures for all.


Our Vision

We believe that engaging & accessible visuals can help community-based projects thrive.

We will create impactful graphic design for your project OR support you with your design process as a thank you for the amazing work you’re doing to make positive change in Hamilton.

If you are running an anti-oppressive / feminist / anti-racist / community-based project with few resources – we are offering free design supports to help you take your project from thought into action.

What are we dreaming into the world? How do we imagine our work will be of service to the future? What’s the wildest success we can imagine for it?

Adrienne Maree Brown

What are we dreaming into the world? How do we imagine our work will be of service to the future? What’s the wildest success we can imagine for it? ✸ Adrienne Maree Brown ✸

Our Mission

Better Futures was born out of / inspired by the Social Change Ecosystem Map, and the work done by Deepa Iyer to name the roles in social justice we can take on.

Coming from a social work / frontline background - I was previously working at women’s shelters and programs for young mothers - I had aligned working for social change with that one, limiting framework.

I love the understanding of the social change ecosystem - we all have roles that intertwine, support each other, and create the groundwork for change. We can move between these roles as our lives and experiences change. And all these roles are essential to create a working ecosystem.

I most align with the artist role - sharing community stories and possibilities through art (and design).  I’m also a weaver, experimenter, and caregiver. What roles feel in alignment with your work/values/life?

Better Futures is a way to be fully in my role for social change: to support frontline, healing, visionary, future-building projects, and share the amazing work they’re doing with the world. To create ease and functionality for the volunteers and folks doing the work, making it easier to share and build community.

How to get started

The Outcome

“The Hamilton Community Land Trust is so appreciative to have had the opportunity to work with Better Futures to refresh our existing branding, and create a social media strategy which included content pillars, logo variations and templates. We are grateful to expand our resources and online communications in a way that is consistent and beautifully designed. Working with Better Futures was a great experience and an absolute pleasure!”

- Justine, Hamilton Community Land Trust

Let’s Build Better Futures.

Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly - we can't wait to hear from you!